is a necessary customer channel

customer relationship

Relationships with customers are far more complex than the buy-sell exchange. They always were. Ever since humans did business they wanted to communicate more, learn about each other, cooperate.

What changed is not the need for a relationship, but that we are globalized and digitalized today. While we sell more globally and we use more digital tools, we tend to forget the parts of our relationships which were there all along.

Open innovation was always part of a business relationship. Listening to customers, understanding them, and trying to build what they need is the essence of any business. But open innovation is in danger of being reduced. It was informal and personal and as such it is forgotten in a more globalized and digital business environment.

This is why is important. It will formalize and digitalize open innovation, enriching the new relationships provided by the global growth. Without adopting the relationships that existed before will be reduced and customers will be deprived.

To use to improve your customer relationships, email Andrea at

Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 28 Jun 2023