allows brands to give cash rewards to end users of their products for their innovation suggestions. Here are 5 ways brands can use
1 More competitive feedback
All brands want to get feedback, but most brands do not want to pay for it. Brands that start rewarding user feedback with cash will have an advantage, and will get the best feedback.
2 Unique innovation approach
No designer can actually imagine how it feels to use a product over and over again. Safety, ergonomy, real environment, integrations, new uses are few product aspects which are best understood by product users. Brands that collect this feedback will have more competitive products.
3 Positive way to offer customer support
Customer support is based on negative experiences because users are motivated only by frustration. With users are motivated to be creative and innovative. This is a positive relationship which prevents negative experiences.
4 Accelerated training
Winning innovation proves that the user understood the product very well. Adding a winning innovation requires substantial experience and understanding of the product, and is a great way to motivate training. It can be used as part of training or as an independent motivator.
5 Two way customer relationship
Customer relationships are moving towards two-way exchanges more and more. ads a new channel to the customer relationship which is beneficial for both brands and customers. It is better at building loyalty than discounts, gifts, free trials.
To start using for your brand email Andrea at
Cybertruck & Cyberpunk 2077
Cybertruck looks different. Cyberpunk 2077 is buggy. Both of these products received a lot of negative comments upon launch. In spite of this, Cybertruck was selling more than 5,000 per day well after the launch, and CD Project Red started profiting within 24 hours of the launch.
The lesson learned is that hate is the same type of emotion as love – it is a form of obsession. Innovation causes strong emotions – both negative and positive which must go together. What innovation does not create is indifference and boredom. If customers are indifferent or bored, then innovation is not working.
When choosing how to innovate, taking a risk to be more extreme is worth it, and negative reactions should also be understood as a component of success. Failure is lack of any emotion.