for sales

Companies do not work well if they divide themselves into sections which do not work together. R&D, product design, marketing, sales – customers do not care about these divisions. They only care if a company creates value for them.

In this spirit, we do not see open innovation as a strictly R&D or product design activity. Our main contribution to open innovation is integration with marketing. For open innovation to truly work, we must adopt a marketers mind.

We also see open innovation as a sales tool. The whole point of innovation is to sell. If we can skip directly to sales, then this is best. Here are simple and direct ways to use for sales:

Suggest your products as innovations
Salespeople can register, find an opportunity, and suggest their products as innovations, as long as the innovation is real and relevant to the opportunity.

Invite leads to tell you what they need
Selling is a lot about “I am great, my product is great” – and it can be suffocating. It is refreshing to just let your leads talk about themselves and their needs.

Invite current customers to tell you what they need
Nothing will make your current customer happier than rewarding them for suggestions. is one of the best loyalty programs easily generating repeat and accessory sales.

To learn how to use for sales email Andrea at

And remember, the sales person that listens the best will win.

Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 2 Apr 2023