- World Open Innovation Conference best practice

world open innovation conference 2023 Fiam project is accepted as a World Open Innovation Conference best practice

We are very proud that our work with Fiam has reached this level of recognition from the biggest innovation institutions and experts. It is a validation of our long term vision and dedication, and we hope it will help us bring open innovation to even more projects, companies, and customers.

About World Open Innovation Conference
World Open Innovation Conference is the most important global open innovation event showcasing selected the best academic and practical projects. The conference is organized by Berkeley’s Garwood Center For Corporate Innovation and curated by Dr. Henry Chesbrough, the founder of open innovation. Its mission is to promote open innovation globally, and this year is its 10th anniversary. Learn more.

About Garwood Center For Corporate Innovation
Garwood is one of the top global innovation research centers, part of Haas Business School at Berkeley University. It is founded by Dr. Henry Chesbrough and is dedicated to open innovation. Berkeley is one of the leading universities in the world, focused on high tech innovation, located in San Francisco and traditionally connected to top tech innovation brands like Google, Apple, Salesforce. Learn more.

About Dr. Henry Chesbrough
Dr. Chesbrough is considered the father of open innovation. He has defined the term open innovation in his 2003 book “Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology” and has since been a dedicated evangelist of the concept globally. He is the founder and the main curator of the World Open Innovation Conference. Learn more.

About Fiam
Fiam is a leading Italian designer and manufacturer of industrial air and electric tools and assembly systems. Fiam has been using as one of the main channels in their client relationship by creating a direct communication between professional users of their products and Fiam product designers. Fiam has proven this method, with our support, and is using it with all their clients globally. Learn more.

How to view
The conference is available online and on-location on Thu 9 and Fri 10 Nov 2023. You can purchase tickets here.

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